Green Thumb

5 Magazine Subscriptions for Rural Green Thumbs

There are undoubtedly more green thumbs in rural settings than in big cities. Not only are there more green spaces; the environment is also more conducive to plant life. Alabama News Center reported that 55% of U.S. adults spent time outdoors gardening and caring for their lawns back in 2020, and they are expecting more people to start gardening in the coming years. Moreover, Nursery Management revealed that 86% of homeowners in Minneapolis plan to continue gardening, and 47% of the respondents said they are planting more and expanding their garden spaces soon. Some of the reasons why people picked up gardening are because they want to create victory gardens to grow and share food, while others want to improve their yards and outdoor spaces for personal and environmental purposes, particularly in rural areas. Because of this, demand for gardening resources and mentors increased.

But whether you’re a beginning gardener or want to expand your knowledge in the gardening industry, here are five horticulture magazines you might want to check out:

Country Gardens

If you appreciate flowers and plants for house decor, Country Gardens is the perfect magazine for you. The magazine shares vibrant photographs and articles from expert gardeners on flowers, shrubs, and plants specifically for landscaping. With this, they feature outdoor builds such as deck and patio projects and inspirations for seasonal centerpieces made with flowers that can be grown right from your garden. If you’re planning to create your dream country garden filled with colorful flowers and aesthetically pleasing furniture, Country Gardens can inspire and help you make it come true.

Herb Quarterly

Herb Quarterly is the oldest herb magazine for herb gardeners and herbalists in America. Whether you grow herbs for culinary or medicinal purposes, the magazine is the best place to start when learning about herbs. The magazine offers relevant insights into herb history, cultivation, and culinary herbs. Moreover, they keep readers informed of the latest scientific and medical herbal discoveries. Lastly, each issue provides readers with practical information and stories from contributing editors to help them enjoy herb gardening.

Good Organic Gardening

Now that you’ve grown your produce, Good Organic Gardening can help you turn it into something delicious on your table. This magazine offers practical tips and tricks on gardening and cooking to inspire readers to practice productive gardening. Readers of this magazine share the same values on organic farming and sustainability. Apart from gardening, the magazine features Living Organics, Flavors of the Month, Celebrity Chefs and Gardeners, etc. If you love growing your food and being in touch with nature, you should subscribe to Good Organic Gardening and be part of the community.

Permaculture Design Magazine

Permaculture Design Magazine brings something different to the table with in-depth articles on eco-regeneration, broadscale farming systems, agroforestry, and home garden design. Besides introducing permaculture practices to readers, the magazine also discusses the responsibilities of communities and individuals in protecting our environment and promoting sustainability. If you’re interested in creating sustainable gardens that benefit both you and the environment, a subscription will help you become knowledgeable in the already growing field of permaculture.


Grit has celebrated rural America since 1882. The magazine helps you learn more about country living, land management, wildlife, gardening, and livestock, among others. Their extensive and regular content on rural lifestyle makes the magazine worth the read if you’re planning homesteading, enjoying farming as a hobby, or starting a farming business. Moreover, the magazine offers practical tips, guides, and techniques to help those who want to start a rural-living lifestyle.

Getting a magazine subscription to your favorite horticulture magazine will ensure that you’re always updated on the latest gardening trends. And to further immerse yourself in the rural setting, we created a list of The Best Rural Novels: A List of 10 to Get Started you can add to your reading list.

Staff Writer